Rome, Italy

Founded in April 21, 753 BC, Rome is the capital of Italy,and it's often reffered to as the Enternal City. They're known for it's history, art, architecture, beatuy, and even the pasta!

Foods to eat during your visit!

Top 5 Places to visit!

  1. Colosseum
  2. St. Peter’s Basilica
  3. The Pantheon
  4. Trevi Fountain
  5. Roman Forum

Average Tempature In Rome

Month Average High Tempature Average Low Tempature
Janurary 54° 39°
Feburary 56° 39°
March 61° 43°
April 66° 48°
May 74° 55°
June 83° 62°
July 88° 67°
August 88° 67°
Septemebr 81° 61°
October 72° 54°
November 62° 46°
December 56° 40°

Want to learn more? Click these links to learn about this beatiful city!

Rome Travel Guide

All About Rome

History Of Ancient Rome