Point Pleasant, WV
Home to the infamous Urban Legend Moth Man
A destination for fans of the metaphysical and legendary!
A (Very) Brief History
- Began as a small area inhabited by indigenous peoples along the Ohio River
- In 1774 colonizers settled and pushed out the native people, reestablishing the land as Point Pleasant
- Nothing special happened after for a long time
- Until 1996 when a young couple first sighted what we know consider the urban legend Mothman
More On Mothman
- Mothman is a human-like creature that was seen between 1966 and 1967
- Though it started as nothing, it picked up popularity thorugh national press
- Mothman became popularized by the book, The Mothman Prohecies by Gray Baker
- The sightings, which were mostly other things mistaken for Mothman due to its recent popularity, kept piling up until the most-likely ficitonal, fantastical beast finally became part of the urban legend community
- There have been no recent sightings of the legend, but due to its fascinating tales, there has been in uptick in Mothman enthusiasts