Chutes and Platters

Name of Party

Your First and Last Name

Phone Number


Time of Pickup

Select which platters you would like (If gluten-free you will be notified by text message to specify ingredients)

Platter #1 Platter #2 Platter #3 Platter #4 Platter #5 Platter #6 Platter #7 Platter #8

Please enter the game you would like to purchase below! (Must be on list under "Games" tab) *If you don't want to purchase a game just put "none"*

If you do not know what game your party would like to play, check the boxes of the game categories that interest you, and we will find a game for you!

Strategy Teams Competitive Word Puzzle Kids Quick-Thinking Other:

•All payments will be made when you arrive to pick up your order

Please add any questions, comments, concerns, or special instructions you may have below!